Pesticide License Categories

PA Department of Agriculture Commercial Pesticide Licence Categories

  • 07 – Lawn & Turf
  • 09 – Aquatic Weed Control
  • 10 – Right-of-way & Weeds
  • 11 – Household Pest Control
  • 12 – Wood-destroying Insect Control
  • 15 – Public Health Vertebrates
  • 16 – Public Health Invertebrates

turf grasswaterliliesright-of-wayweed controlwood-destroyingrats and micetick & mosquito


The most important step in controlling any pest is an accurate identification. If we cannot identify your pest immediately, we know who to ask.

Pocono Tick Control Services

Bald-faced hornets

bald faced hornet bfhornetnestHornet control


Bald-faced hornets are one of the most dangerous insects found around the home. Their nests are football-shaped and came become quite large, holding up to 700 individuals. Easily aroused, they will chase and sting  anyone who comes near their nest. Pocono tick control will provide prompt professional services to kill and remove the nests.


polistes waspP5202461

Polistes wasps are some of the most common but least  dangerous of the wasps. Their nest is an uncovered paper comb, about the size of your palm. If left alone, they are unlikely to sting, but if you have one and want it removed, give Pocono tick control a call.

Carpenter bees

carpenter bee in hole carpenter_beeP5202455

Carpenter bees cause those perfectly-round holes in the wood around the outside of your home. Although they resemble bumblebees, they are not social insects. As solitary insects, these bees do not live in colonies, but rather create a home for their eggs in a tunnel that they excavate into unpainted wood. Males cannot  sting but females will when provoked.

Although single bees do very little damage to wood, multiple generations over many years can cause structural damage. An early spring treatment will take care of them for the year.


German roachroaches in fridge


German cockroaches are the most common indoor roaches  in the Poconos. They are prolific breeders, very adaptable to human habitation, and small enough to hide easily, making them serious pests.

Pocono tick control has state-of-the-art products that control them without sprays or danger to humans or pets.


fleaSwift- football-field-grass-background.jpg

If your have a problem with fleas after flea-bombing your house and treating your pets, you might have an outdoor infestation.

Pocono tick control products do an awesome job on fleas in your lawn. Call Pocono tick control today.


Pocono Tick Aquatic Weed Control

algaefrog with duckweed pondweed waterlilies




Aquatic Weed Control

  • Weed and algae control from spring to fall
  • The products are safe for kids, pets, fish and the environment
  • Seasonal or “per application” contracts
  • Control measures for ponds and lakes of all sizes
  • Consultation on other problems — like geese, aeration options, pH
  • Licensed and insured

Before and After photos of some of our accounts:

coughlin's before.2Coughlin's After

Albertson's beforeAlberton's after

Katz before.2 Katz after.2



Monroe County’s Private Practice Vector Control

Monroe County’s NEW Vector Control

The Tick Chicks - Larger


Pocono Tick Control

Welcome to Pocono Tick Control. Welcome to the newest concept in public health environmental control measures in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Following the drastic cutbacks to Monroe County’s Department of Vector Control, we Tick Chicks have filled the gap.  Not only are we licensed and insured, but we have decades of field and laboratory experience in the very issues that are troubling you.

No one is better suited to help you with your tick & insect identifications and control measures.

Remember that Northeastern Pennsylvania is home to at least six (6) tick-borne diseases; diseases that can make you, your family, and your pets sick. Lyme disease and the others can be prevented!

Please contact us for more information. The Tick Chicks want to hear from you.




Professional Services | Pocono Tick Control Company

at scope

Professional Services |  Pocono Tick Control Company

Professional services offered by Pocono Tick  Control company include the following. Please contact Pocono Tick Control today for a free estimate of services. Pocono Tick Control is here to be your first line of defense against all ticks and mosquitoes.

  • Tick identification to species & life stage and measurement of attachment interval DNA (PCR) testing of tick sample 
  1. Place tick in a ziploc baggie, labeled with patient’s name, address and contact phone number
  2. Add physician’s name and phone number
  3. Enclose in a regular envelope along with $5cash
  4. Leave samples in drop box at Tannersville Inn, Rt 611 Tannersville next to large sign in parking lot.
  • Public speaking
  • Consulting on Lyme disease
  • Consulting on tick control

Tick Image

Go to the Contact Page for information on sending ticks for identification and duration assessment.

Please contact us for current prices and payment options.

Ticks | Three Common Types

Ticks | Three Common Types | Tick Control

Ixodes scapularis

Ixodes scapularis | Ticks | Type One Tick | Three Common Types

Ixodes scapularis, also commonly called the deer tick or black-legged tick, is the most important tick in the Northeast in terms of disease potential.

It is a three-host tick species that can live for two years to complete its life cycle. Eggs hatch out in August into 6-legged LARVAE, which look for a small mammal (usually a mouse or ground squirrel) for their first blood meal.  If the tick feeds on a mouse that has been infected with Lyme disease, the tick will be infected throughout its life. After taking a complete blood meal — which can take several days — the tick drops off the host animal and goes into the leaf litter to digest its meal and prepare itself for its next molt.

Most scapularis ticks stay in this quiescent state until the following spring, when they emerge in the 8-legged NYMPH stage. The nymphs “quest” for another small mammal for their second feeding, at which time they have another opportunity to pick up Lyme or another disease, or to transmit it to this second host if they had been infected during the first feeding. This is the stage that is most responsible for transmitting disease to us and our domestic animals — mostly because the nymphs start out so small that they are often overlooked or missed while attached.  But these small ticks can grow geometrically with time, so what many people believe is “too large to be a deer tick”  turns out to be, unfortunately, a deer tick.

After taking their second meal, they again fall to the ground and wait to molt into the adult stage, usually the following autumn.  As adults, they actively “quest” for their last blood meal, preferrably from a deer. This strategy allows them the best chance of finding a mate and successfully reproducing. Adults can be found in spring, early summer, fall, and winter. They do not seem to be bothered by extreme cold or snow if there are areas without snow, like under porches or beneath large conifer trees, where there is little snow cover.

Ticks in our neck of the woods (Northeastern PA) have been tested and found to carry four pathogens:  Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Bartonella (Bartonella henselae), Babesia (Babesia microti) and Ehrlichia (Anaplasma phagocytophila, formerly known as HGE). If a tick has been actively feeding for less than 36 hours, it is unlikely to have transmitted Lyme disease.  The other diseases can transmit in considerably less time.


Dermacentor variabilis | Ticks | Type Two Tick | Three Common Types

Dermacentor variabilis

The American dog tick is one of the most commonly seen and identified ticks on the eastern side of the United States.  Its distinctive iridescent scutum (dorsal shield) makes it the only species that can be identified correctly with the naked eye. These ticks are encountered from mid-spring to early autumn, after which time they “disappear” into the environment.

They will attach to humans as well as to dogs, bear, deer and other mammals. Because they are larger than Ixodes ticks, they are easier to spot, and because they are distinctively marked, they are easier to identify.  In the Eastern US, they are responsible for most of the transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia rickettsia) and are one of the vectors of tularemia (Francisella tularensis)


Amblyomma americanum | Ticks | Type Three Tick | Three Common Types

Amblyomma americanum

Lone star ticks are found in the eastern half of the United States, ranging from Texas to Iowa and along the Atlantic to Maine.  Their name comes from the distinctive white spot (or star) in the dorsal shield of the females. Males lack this spot.

Lone star ticks are aggressive biters and can have economic impact on domestic animal production when in large numbers. The white-tailed deer is the principal host and is critical to maintaining large populations.

Like the deer tick, the lone star tick is a three-host species, actively feeding in each stage and non-discriminating in their host-preferences.

The lone-star tick a potential vector of several diseases, including human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis, or HME (Ehrlichia chaffeensis), canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia ewingii), tularemia (Francisella tularensis), and STARI (Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness), possibly caused by a spirochete (Borrelialonestari). STARI causes a rash similar to Lyme disease, but appears to be a less severe illness, and is currently limited to southern states.

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Pocono Tick And Skeeter Control’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What can we help you with?’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Tick Information | Classification

Tick Control Company - Ticks Class Arachnida

Tick Information | Classification – Tick Control Company

Ticks are arachnids. Although they resemble insects, they are actually more closely related to spiders and mites. They have 8 legs (except as larvae) and lack wings, true eyes and visible body segments. They cannot fly or jump, and spend most of their lives waiting for the next blood meal — often in a quiescent state under the leaf litter. They are parasitic, in that their only food source is a living animal.

Tick Control Company - Lifeclycle of tick

Ticks are the original ninjas. They use cunning and chemicals to overcome the host species’ defenses. Neurotoxins, vasodilators,  and anticoagulants are some of the many chemicals that they inject to aid in feeding, along with possible pathogens. Their barbed mouthparts make them difficult to dislodge or remove while they are attached and actively feeding.

Tick Control Company - mouth parts of tick

Tick Control Company barbed mouth 02

Tick Control Company - barbed tick mouth

Check out this video of how a tick feeds:

[media width=”400″ height=”225″ link=””]

Tick Control Company - Photo of ticks mouth parts - notice they are barbed

As you can see from the photograph, above, the mouthparts of ticks are serrated and barbed. This helps to keep them securely fastened to the host animal during feeding and difficult to dislodge until they are ready to let go. The two outer members are their palps, or sensory organs, with which they find their meals.

Ticks are divided into two categories, the soft and hard ticks.  Soft ticks (Argasidae) are mainly parasites of birds, and are rarely encountered.  Hard ticks (Ixodidae) are parasites of terrestrial animals, predominately mammals and reptiles.

tick control company deer-tick-life-cycle

Ticks go through several developmental stages through their lives. They start out as larvae, molt into nymphs (some species have several nymphs stages), and eventually emerge as adults (males and females).  Their stage and gender play an important part in assessing the risk of disease transmission.

Each life stage requires a blood meal, and ticks have different strategies for finding their meal. One is actively searching, or “questing” from foliage, which is what most of the hard ticks do. The other is passively waiting around in the hosts’ nests — the way most soft ticks feed. Although ticks can actively quest for extended periods of time, they spend most of their lives under the leaf-litter in a quiescent state, digesting their previous meal and preparing to molt into the next developmental stage.

Many ticks are host-specific in their adult stage, which means that they have a preferred animal for their final meal.  This is to maximize the chances of finding a mate and reproducing successfully.  In their immature stages, they feed on small mammals or reptiles.  Some of these small mammals have been found to be the source of many of the diseases that ticks transmit to us and our domestic animals.

There are many species of ticks, and they differ by geographic location. Not all ticks are carrying disease and not all species of ticks are capable of transmitting disease to us, even if they are carrying it. Here in the Northeast, the ticks of most concern are:

Ixodes scapularis – the black-legged, or deer tick

Tick Control Company Deer Tick

Dermacentor variabilis – the American dog tick, or wood tick

Tick control company - american_dog_tick02

Amblyomma americanum – the lone star tick

Tick Control Company - female_lone

We will discuss each of these ticks individually, giving you essential information about them that you need to know to protect yourself against their bites and diseases that they might be carrying.

Although tick identification appears to be simple using cards like the one displayed below, it is very important to know that ticks change dramatically after feeding and do not resemble the images that you see on these cards.

Tick Control Company - Size of tick after feeding

Pocono Tick Control Protection Strategies

Pocono Tick Control Protection Strategies

Tick Control Company - Photo of Tick Questing2002-06-21 001 013Tick Control Strategies

  • Avoidance of tick-borne diseases is a complex process. It involves control of ticks, their rodent and deer hosts, and personal protection strategies. Ticks require leaf litter and relatively high humidity. By removing leaf litter and opening up your yard to sunlight, you will make it less hospitable to ticks. The use of registered lawn pesticides each spring and fall will also help kill ticks in your yard , as will spraying areas of shrubbery where the lawn meets the forest at the edges of your yard. Consult your local lawn and garden store or agricultural extension office for registered pesticides for these applications.Rodent Control – Small rodents (specifically deer mice and white-footed mice) are the primary reservoir of the diseases that ticks transmit to us and our pets.  By controlling them, we help reduce our exposure to tick-borne disease.  There are many effective ways to control rodents on your property.  A partial list appears below — more information is available online at other sources.
    • limit harborage:  keep woodpiles up off the ground
    • do not pile debris near the house
    • keep garages, basements and attics clear of “junk”
    • keep lawn mowed: make it more difficult for rodents to come near the house without being seen and eaten by predators
    • limit food sources: do not allow pet food to accumulate outdoors and overnight
    • keep all trash and foods stored outdoors in rodent-proof containers
    • do not feed the birds or other animals near the house
    • limit access: use doors and windows screens
    • make sure garage-door seals are in good repair
    • keep areas under trailers, homes and sheds tightly sealed
  • Deer control – Because deer are the final host of the deer ticks and the major way many ticks are transported from area to area, you help keep ticks away by limiting their access to your yard. Fences are good, but simply filling your yard and garden with plantings that are unappetizing to deer will also help.  If you have areas that are used by the deer for bedding down, those are areas that you should also spray with registered pesticides.
  • Personal Protection – There are many products on the market to spray on yourself to repel insects and ticks, ranging from DEET to insecticides.  What you choose to use will depend on your age and what you are wearing. There is an insecticide product called permethrin (this is the chemical name, not the brand name) that is made for clothing and equipment treatment ONLY. When sprayed on cloth according to label directions, it lasts for several weeks and several launderings because it bonds to the cloth!  Because it is chemically bonded, once it is dry it does not come off on our skin, so it is safe to use on anyone’s clothing. But remember, you cannot use it when you are not wearing enough clothing to spray.  There are products that are formulated specifically for children, and we strongly suggest that you find and use them on your kids if they are spending time outdoors in the summer when they are wearing shorts and short sleeves and cannot use permethrin.
  • Full body checks – head to foot – are recommended for everyone after outdoor activities in tick areas.


  • You can cheaply and easily create a tick-killing mechanism that is retailed as Damminix. They are simply water-proofed tubes that are filled with permethrin-impregnated cotton balls. Take cardboard tubes from paper towels and cover them with plastic wrap or aluminum foil, or use small sections of plastic pipe.  While outdoors, spray cotton balls with permethrin repellent and allow them to dry.  Place several balls into each tube and place the tubes around your home and yard where you suspect that there is rodent activity.  Pay attention to rock walls, woodpiles, garages, sheds, and crawl spaces where rodent activity is observed or likely. The mice will find the cotton balls and take them back to their nests for bedding material.  The permethrin will kill their ticks (and fleas, lice and mites) but leave the mice unharmed.  This helps to break the disease cycle at your home, but will not provide protection to you when you are away from home [see Personal Protection, above]

Pocono Tick Control Services

Pocono Tick Control Services

Pocono Tick Control is essential to control the tick and skeeter population.

Pocono Tick Control offer spring and fall tick control services, using registered pesticides that are safe for you and your pets, but deadly to ticks. Pocono tick control also control fleas and many other lawn insects. Although not labeled for mosquito control, Pocono tick control customers have reported that tick treatments have given them continuous control of mosquitoes as well.

Because of the life cycle of ticks and the long-lasting properties of the products we use, only two applications per year are needed.

tick control company deer-tick-life-cycle

Like the permethrin product that you are using (or should be using) on your clothing to kill and repel biting insects, our product binds to the thatch of your lawn or the under-story of your woods. It continues to kill the ticks and fleas for up to three months. Because it is chemically bound to the thatch, it does not wash off in rain, or come off on you or your pets, making it safe for everything except the “bugs.”

If you are only interested in organic control measures, we offer our services with products that are made from thyme oil, eugenol, wintergreen, and diatomaceous earth. These products must be applied more frequently because they are quick-kill and do not provide the residual of the other products.